Art Quilts
I create art quilts with both narrative and geometric elements. My artwork is filled with bold colors and lush textures. I am always exploring additional techniques to capture and share the stories and swirls in my head. I began traditional quilting to use up fabric scraps, but soon transitioned to creating art quilts that capture ideas and stories. To better communicate in fiber, I have learned embroidery, fabric dyeing, various surface design techniques, weaving, felting, knitting, and most recently, Indigo dyeing.
Wearable Art
I began sewing my own clothing when I was thirteen. I had grown 8” in a year and my Mom returned to school after cutting out fabric for my fall wardrobe. I couldn’t wait until her Winter Break for new clothes, so I learned to sew the pieces together myself. Each night she ripped out my mistakes until I gained the confidence to do so myself. I have sewn clothing for myself and my family ever since. I love wearing bold colors and my own style. As an Art Teacher I also enjoy reflecting the art of others in my wardrobe.
Photography is not only a way to record events, objects, people, and places, but also an artistic medium. I especially enjoy sharing the joy and beauty I find in the small details of nature.
Drawings and Sketches
I love drawing and sketching. I carry a sketchbook with me most of the time. Sometimes I capture swirls of ideas on their way to becoming finished pieces. Other times I draw from observation or draw my response to the world around me. I love to spend extra time with museum works that grab my attention by sketching them to save them for future inspiration. Looking through my sketchbooks helps me distill what shapes, themes, and ideas inspire me and my artwork.