Creating Creatures (ages 5-10)

Using lines, shapes, and pattern we will progress from drawing fish to farm animals to bugs and spiders until we combine everything to create our own Crazy Creatures.

  • Rainbow Fish: Use a variety of lines to create a variety of fish. Crayon resist technique  

  • Big Red Barn: Use shapes and lines to draw a barn and barnyard with a variety of Farm Animals. Drawing and collage techniques 

  • Bugs and Spiders: Look at photos of bugs and spiders to create observation drawings of bugs and spiders focusing on their patterns. Use more patterns to add a camouflage background. Colored pencil techniques

  • CraZy Creatures: Put it all together...use lines, shapes, and patterns to create your own CraZy Creature in the location of your choice. 

6 week session includes these or similar projects based on student’s interest and skill level.


Drawing People for Beginners (ages 5-10)