Drawing Realistic and Fantasy Animals (ages 10-13)

Using more advanced lines and shapes and adding texture and value, we will learn to draw more complex animals. We will draw both realistic and fantasy animals.

  • Realistic Animal Outlines: While looking animal photos, learn to add more complex lines and shapes to the basic starting shapes to draw animal outlines. 

  • Fur, Feathers, Scales, and more: Add Textures to a variety of animals using pencil and colored pencil drawing techniques

  • Walk those Animals off the page: Use value (shading) to make animals look 3D. Pencil and colored pencil drawing techniques 

  • Magical Animals: Learn to draw magical animals like Dragons, Unicorns, Griffins, or Hippogriffs by combining parts of various animals. 

  • Fantasy Animals: Outline your own fantasy animals to look anatomically possible. 

  • Creative Critter: Create your final real or fantasy animal inspired by and applying skills learned during previous lessons. 

6 week session includes these or similar projects based on student’s interest and skill level.


Sewing Simple Doll Clothes (ages 10-13)